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Emergency Exit Lighting

EXIT signs and emergency lighting are required to indicate an emergency egress route to a building exit. It is a mandated safety requirement for all public buildings across the United States as a necessary life-safety feature. In the event of a power failure, emergency lighting must be able to switch to an alternative energy source
(usually backup battery) and provide at least 90 minutes of emergency egress illumination. There are many styles and power sources to choose from for emergency and exit signs. Products developed for residential, industrial, or wet area use. Power sources range from battery backup to self-luminous tritium to photoluminescent tape. Northland Fire can help you choose the proper lighting system for your building.

During an emergency situation, your employees can become disoriented and overall safety can be compromised if emergency lighting fails to activate. Don’t take the components of your emergency system for granted. Let Northland Fire check your batteries, charging systems, and bulbs to ensure you’re prepared. To help you out, we keep up with all maintenance and records of inspections so you don’t have to.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101 Life Safety Code requires that all industrial emergency lighting and exit lighting devices be inspected monthly and tested annually. Additionally, your industrial emergency lighting needs to be up to code regarding the placement, height, and location of the exit signs. All of our licensed technicians at Northland Fire understand the major components and criteria established by NFPA 101, which aims to protect employees in the case of a disaster.

Call Northland Fire for emergency and exit lighting installation.